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A painful ritual, only the best design 'survives'.

The possibilities for creating a design for the Heart Work Heroes models are, of course, endless, and that's exactly what makes it so fun!


Since every designer or artist always has their own ideas, you never know where it will go. Designing for a 3D canvas instead of a flat surface requires a completely different perspective. Thinking out-of-the-box and unleashing creativity are essential to creating the most beautiful designs.

Do you have a design in mind? Let us know, and we’ll send you a design template.

Besides painting the models, there are a thousand and one ways to make a model fantastic, such as collage. A fully decorated model with beautiful photos can really stand out. Or how about a model inlaid with stones or wood chips? As far as we're concerned, "The sky is the limit," or in this case, your imagination. Yes! That is an invitation to you: Do you have a design in mind? Let us know, and we’ll send you the design template. Who knows, it might be included in the collection!

How do our designers work towards a new Heart Work Hero?

Our designers always follow a step-by-step plan.

  1. First, they choose a theme, such as love, health, sports, travel, etc.

  2. Next, they brainstorm around a specific theme. For the theme 'Love,' they come up with various ideas: hearts, walking together, kissing, winking, lips, laughing, Valentine's Day, weddings, and so on.

  3. In the third step, a choice is made, for example, 'Kissing' for the theme of 'Love.' Kissing is then developed visually, such as with a mouth, lipstick, hugs, and hearts.

  4. In the next step, sketches are made based on step three, and these sketches are refined on a Heart Work Heroes design template.

  5. The best two or three designs make it to step five, which is painting a blank model, resulting in a new Heart Work Hero, in this case; Lips!



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